From Your Pastor
During the recent CBC Quarterly Business Meeting, the church voted to incrementally move your pastor from part-time status to full-time status. This transition will occur over the next several months. This transition will allow the Baptist Trumpet to find a replacement for me, as Associate Editor, and the church to slowly absorb the increased financial responsibility. The tentative plan is to use March and April to train the new Associate Editor for the paper, then begin reducing the number of work hours beginning May 1. Full transition could be complete by the end of summer.
Please accept Charissa’s and my appreciation for your care during my recent surgery. You carried on the church’s ministries without a glitch. That thrills a pastor when God’s people “do the work of the ministry” (Eph. 4:12).
Bro. Allan and Charissa
Designated Offerings
Your help is needed in the area of Designated Offerings. If you give to a particular fund, please be sure to mark were the money is designated in the MEMO line of your check or the comment line with online giving. Please note, funds can only be given to church authorized projects or ministries.
One area that needs specific attention is the Blessing Box and the Food Pantry. The Blessing Box is the small micro-pantry that is open 24/7 near the entrance to the church property. The Food Pantry is the twice monthly food distribution at the CBC facilities. If you give to either of these ministries, please design which you want the funds to go to – Blessing Box or Food Pantry. This will ensure that our treasurer places the money in the correct ministry fund.

WORLD MISSIONS SUNDAY was Sunday, Mar. 2. During World Mission Sunday, those in attendance had the opportunity to hear about BMA Global, our associational missionary sending agency, via video. Other information was shared about CBC’s involvement in world missions and a Mission Fair occurred following Morning Worship.
Each Mission Fair display focused on a region in which BMA Global is actively making disciples and planting church.

Upcoming FOOD PANTRY distributions are Saturday, March 8 and Tuesday, March 25.
TIME CHANGE is set for Saturday night, March 8. Please turn your clock ahead one hour.
BAPTISM SUNDAY is March 9. We already have a couple of candidates scheduled. If you have questions about baptism, please see your pastor or student pastor soon.
A SUMMER CAMP FUNDRAISER is set for Friday, March 14. The fundraiser meal will feature smashburgers, natural cut fries, and dessert. Participants may dine-in or carryout.
February Stats
- Monthly Budget Needs . . . . $ 17,700.00
- February General Fund . . . . . $ 18,888.53
- Blessing Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 105.00
- Van Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2500.00
- World Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10.00
- Men’s Retreat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3750.00
- February Average Attendance . . . 147