“Blessed is the person that understands his spiritual brokenness and inability to remedy it and grieves for his sin. He craves fellowship with Christ, shows grace to others, puts others first, keeps himself free of things that grieve God, and values relationships over being right. This lifestyle may confuse some, offend others, and could potentially result in criticism or other forms of persecution. Yet, this person has true joy!” – (The Beattitudes summarized, Matt. 5:1-12).
Opportunities to Serve
CELEBRATION:KIDS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Additional volunteers are needed for Sunday Morning. Due to life circumstance, a couple of children’s volunteers have stepped away from children’s ministry for a bit. That leaves CBC with a couple of openings. If you can serve in any of these positions, please reach out to Courtney Roth, CBC Children’s Director.
- 9:30 a.m. – 2yr – 4 yr. class
- 10:30 a.m. – Nursery (on a rotating basis)
- 10:30 a.m. – 2 yr – 4 yr group (rotating basis)
Upcoming Events
WORLD MISSIONS DAY – BMA Global designated Sunday, February 25 as World Missions Day. However, due to CBCs focus on helping with an Arkansas State Missionary’s medical expenses, Celebration will focus on World Missions, March 3 and March 10. CBC will receive a Jerry Kidd/World Missions Day offering on March 10.
CHURCH CAMP INTEREST MEETING – A meeting of kids (and their parents) interested in attending BMA Church Camp (June 17-20) is set for March 3 following Morning Worship. Church Camp is for kids/students age 9 through high school. Kids below 9 may attend, but must be accompanied by a parent
CELEBRATION: Senior Adults Luncheon March 8 – The next Celebration Senior Adult Luncheon is set for Friday, March 8 at noon. The menu will be meatloaf.
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMES begins Sunday, March 10 at 2:00 a.m. Turn you clocks forward when you go to bed Saturday, March 9.
A CELEBRATE MARRIAGE NIGHT is set for Friday, March 15 at 6:30 pm. The evening will include a meal, childcare, AND guest speakers Chris and Sydney Vines. Chris serves as family pastor at Garrett Memorial Baptist Church in Hope. Sydney is director of church connections for BMA Global (Missions). Sydney said, “Chris and I love marriage” and advocate for it regularly. Reserve you spot at http://tinyurl.com/57d5p5t5 or scan the QR Code below.
EASTER @ CELEBRATION is planned for Sunday, March 31. The day will include breakfast at 9:30 a.m., Worship at 10:30 a.m., and the customary photo booth beginning at 9:00 a.m. Other details will be made available soon.
A CELEBRATION: Pointmen event is set for April 5 at the CBC facilities. At the event a couple of the CBC men will share their story. Dinner and Baggo is also on the agenda. Guests are certainly welcomed.
February Stats
- Monthly Budget Needs . . $ 15,022.00
- January General Fund . . . . $ 16,992.00
- Michael Hight Medical . . . . $ 3380.00
- Blessing Box/Food Pantry . $ 170.00
- AWANA Clubs . . . . . . . . . . $ 60.00
- Building Fund . . . . . . . . . . $ 2000.00
- 4KK Men’s Retreat . . . . . . $ 1500.00
- Bus Sales Tax/License . . . $ 1671.00
- World Missions . . . . . . . . . $ 300.00
- January Average Attendance . . . 168