When traveling, people often use maps to find the best route to their destination. Whether the traveller uses a mapping app on a smart phone or an old-school road atlas, a map serves as a guide along the way.
Whether you are embarking on a new faith journey, resuming a previous journey, or wanting to go further in your faith, Celebration Church has identified six steps (a map) to help you on your faith-journey.
Those six steps include:

Every faith-journey begins with a life-changing decision to follow Jesus. If you have questions about what being a Christian means, contact a Bible study leader or one of the Celebration staff for Biblical answers.

Once a person chooses Jesus, the next step is joining a faith family. There are many good churches in our area and Celebration Baptist Church is certainly one of them.
Joining Celebration is accomplished through two means – baptism or public statement of faith.
For more information about becoming a part of the Celebration family, contact one of the Celebration staff for details.

God did not intend for the Christ follower to participate in their faith journey alone. Community is essential. Plus Christ followers should be committed to their personal spiritual growth. Both community and growth are accomplished through worship gatherings and discipleship groups.
Weekly, Celebration members and their guests gather for public worship as a church family. Members are strongly encouraged to regularly connect with the larger group by participating in public worship. Come as you are and leave changed as you experience great music and relevant Bible teaching.
Secondly, Celebration members are strongly encouraged to connect with others through groups. Celebration offers three types of groups.
Sunday Groups gather weekly at 9:30 a.m. These groups are age-graded small groups for children, students, and adults.
Small Groups gather at various times throughout the week. Some gather at the CBC facilities while others gather in member’s homes.
Equip Groups are designed to meet a specific personal growth need. These groups are scheduled based on demand. They include Discovering Your Spiritual Gift, Financial Peace University, Love and Respect Marriage Training, Smart Step-Families, Faith Bible Institute, and more.
For more information about groups, talk to one of the welcome team at the CBC Welcome Desk as you enter the CBC facilties.

Jesus said about Himself, “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life—a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). Serving should be a part of the spiritual DNA of every Christ follower.
Serving involves finding a need and meeting that need. Celebration encourages members to serve both within the church and in the community.
Members can serve the church family by being a greeter, an AWANA Club leader, an usher, a Celebration Kids volunteer, etc. Follow this link below to find a place to serve.
You should also serve the community by meeting a need within the community. Listen to your neighbors, talk to community leaders, and be observant to circumstances around you. By doing so, a door of opportunity will open for you to serve your community. By serving others, you earn the privilege of sharing Jesus.
Regularly, Celebration serves our community corporately. Celebration serves Harmony Grove Schools by providing school supplies for students, participating in the Adopt-A-Kid Christmas program, serving teachers, serving sports teams, and other needs that may arise. Celebration serves the Arkansas Health Center by visiting residents, maintaining resident seating areas, etc. Celebration serves Haskell City Hall by providing appreciation meals for city employees and emergency personnel.
For more information about serving, contact one of the Celebration staff for details.

As Christians, we are called to share our story so that others might know the saving grace of Christ. We each have a story and Celebration wants to help you tell yours. Please share with us how God has changed your life. Your story just might be the catalyst that will lead someone else to Christ.
For more information about sharing your story, contact one of the Celebration staff for details.

Every ministry needs leaders and Celebration is no exception. Celebration is committed to investing in people through mentoring and coaching to develop the next generation of ministry leaders. For more information about leadership development, contact one of the Celebration staff for details.